HTML Resource Guide

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is the programming language used to create documents that are viewed on the web. HTML documents use tags that are placed within the text of a document. When coded with the proper HTML tags, a page may contain links, bold text, specific font faces and sizes, different text colors, images, and a host of other formatting options. Scripts may be inserted into the HTML to allow for interactivity on a web page, such as a feedback form or questionnaire. Learning HTML is an important step for those who want greater control over their web sites.

HTML 101 : An excellent tutorial covering all of the basics of HTML markup.
What is HTML?: A step-by-step tutorial of the most common HTML markup tags and what they do.
HTML Tutorial: An informative tutorial that teaches several formatting techniques.
HTML Coding: A tutorial that covers basic markup as well as more complicated code.
HyperText Markup Language : Code definitions and HTML training.

Head First HTML: Intended for beginners, this book contains information about HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML).
Web Style Guide : Basic design principles for designing web sites.
Web Design Garage: Design concepts and troubleshooting.
Information Technology Book List : Long list of useful books covering all aspects of web design from HTML to search engine optimization.
HTML, XHTML, and CSS All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies: Covers all aspects of web design from basic HTML to scripting in an easy to understand, reference style format.

Style Sheets & Layers:
Cascading Style Sheets : A guide to learning CSS.
CSS: Definition and overview of CSS with examples of various properties.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets: A CSS introduction and step-by-step tutorial.
Associating CSS with Documents: Tips on working with CSS. Includes examples.
Page Styling with CSS: How to use CSS and layers to design web pages.

HTML Editors:
Dreamweaver : The most popular HTML editing software used by professional designers. Supports multiple programming languages and CSS. Includes its own HTML validator.
Expression Web : A full-featured editing software that creates standard compliant code, supports multiple languages, and CSS.
Arachnophilia: A freeware text-based HTML editor for Windows and Mac users.
SeaMonkey: A free internet suite that includes an HTML editor.
CoffeeCup HTML Editor : A full-featured visual designer and text code editor. There is a free version and a low-cost version that includes more features.

HTML Validators:
W3C Validator: The most widely used and respected HTML validator. Maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), this international community develops and recommends web standards for the greater accessibility of all.
HTML Validation Service: Validate an entire page or a code snippet.
Total Validator : Validates HTML, checks for broken links, and has a spell check option.
HTML Tidy: Validates a page or code snippet. There is an option to upload files and have them validated before they are uploaded to a web server.
Page Valet: Tool for validating HTML.

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